smart-me LT and Energie Thun LT signed the papers for the founding of eCarUp LT on October 27, 2017. While smart-me provides the intelligent metering technology Energie Thun adds valuable experience to the new company.
The changing energy markets and consumer needs motivates Energie Thun to find new business areas – one of them beeing electromobility. Project and Innovation Manager Christoph Woodtli «eCarUp brings e-drivers and charging station owners together. Demand for a simple, easy, and low-cost billing solution is rising – particularly in apartment complexes and employees parking lots».
smart-me is specialised on energy monitoring, visualization, and billing automation in buildings. Since its founding in 2014 the company has grown continously and seeks the opportunity to broaden its business field with eCarUp.
Find more information please consult our press release (in German):